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Thursday, 31 March 2011


Looking back at the entire project i feel i stuck to the breif and specification very well, my logo is aesthetically pleasing and makes a product look more attractive.  The logo is clear and nice to look at, with more modern shapes and colours but still keeps the original converse house style, with traditional colours such as red, blue and cream.  As well as this it has a canvas look that is unique to the converse brand.

I believe that my research into other logos was detailed enough which enabled me to understand what makes a good and bad logo and use this when i created my own.  However i feel my development was not as good as it possibly could be as i chose only to develop the font rather than the colours and general look of the logo.  Apart from that o enjoyed the project but if i had to do it again would look more into the development stage.

Advertising Poster With New Logo

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Non-renewable Reources

If  we plan to make the earths natural resources last longer, we must aim to use more of renewable resources available in our products. This will both help to protect our enviornment and will also help look after the supply of products and services. For example, many timber products now carry the FSG (Forset stewardship concil) logo, this means that the timber supply is from renewable,managed forests. Using the logo allows the customer to make informed chocies on there purchases.

The six Rs

Reduce: Reducing the amount of raw materials we use will improve sustainabilty.

Refuse: Refusing to accept extra packaging can make a difference,as can refusing to accept that the easiest way of disposing of products is always the best way.

Re-use: Reusing products is important because they require very little processing, and there for have less impact upon the enviornmet than products from raw materials.

Repair: Think about wether it is always a good idea to buy a whole new product.

Recycle:  Many products can be recylced, and recycling symbols on products and packaging inform the consumer how to dispose of them and how they should be processed.

Rethink: Perhaps it is time for a radical reapprasial of the way we buy and dispose of productsTraditionally,designers and manufacturers have used a range of materials from non-renewable resources. This means that the raw materials such as oil,ores and minerals , are taken from sources that will eventually run out. They are natural resources that have been produced over thousands of years, and so are finite resources. The production and disposal of products made from these matrials can also have a negative impact on the envoirnment, creating things such as carbon dioxide and toxic substances.

Carbon footprints

Everything we produce, buy and use has a carbon footprint: a total amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) or other green house gases emitted during the products life time,including its production,use and disposal. Carbon footprints can have a serious impact on climate change and manafacturers should make every effort to minimise these effects.

Fair trade

The fairtrade foundation, set up in the Uk, was set up to help eliminate poverty among farmers and workers in areas of the world where they had not received a fair price for the goods they produced (i.e coco beans, bannanas etc).

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Font Colour Development

I have tried alternate colours on the font, to try and dicover which one looks best.

Font Development

Here is my font development, i started off with plain more modern fonts and adjusted there shapes and textures.  However in the end i decided to stick  with the iconic "ALL STAR" font as it is automatically recognised by cutomers. The one thing i will change is the colours of the font to give it a 'fresher' look.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Development - Final Logo

I have rearanged the layout of the text and changed colours, these colours are the original colour the first converses, thus going back to the companies roots.  I kept the original 'Chuck Taylor' iconic writing aswell as the the 'ALL STAR' font, but adding more vibrant colours.

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Design Situation, Brief and Specification

Design Situation
Advertising is a multimillion pound industry. Advertising includes logos, packaging, point of sale displays, websites and television campaigns. International companies from Ford to McDonalds spend millions of pounds each year on advertising. Even smaller companies spend large amounts of their budget on good advertising campaigns. 
Design Brief
I am going to redesign the logo for Converse All star. I will also design and make a piece of packaging for one of their products (name the product here) and design and make a point of sale display for that product.
Initial Specification
  • Be aesthetically pleasing
  • Make the product more apealling than competitors products
  • Protect the shoe
  • Be environmentially friendly

Thursday, 20 January 2011


The company i have chosen to redesign the brand logo for is "Converse" company was set up in 1908 by a man called Marquis M. Converse in america, he went on to create the commonly known converse style of shoe. In the 1920's backed by the famous basketball player, chuck taylor, the company took off. Most basketball players and wannabe players bought converses (made of leather) and later on so did everyday people, but they were made of canvas. The company continued to do well and made many inovations (such as the first biomechanics lab) in the world of shoes and in 2003 brought back more of its traditional canvas designs, which people recognise today.

I am going redesign the logo, as i feel the logo is quite simple and bland. It needs colour to be added as well as a few more sleek shapes.

Graphic Theory